It's time for our monthly roundup of the most fresh jQuery plugins of January 2013, Check out these plugins to see what you may have missed in January.

1. Parsley.js

Javascript form validation, without actually writing a single line of javascript! Parsley.js comes as jQuery or Zepto plugins or use it standalone. 

2. dropzone.js

dropzone.js is an open source library that provides drag'n'drop file uploads with image previews. 

3. jQuery-jKit

A very easy to use, cross platform, jQuery based UI toolkit, that's still small in size, has the features you need, and doesn't get in your way of doing things! 

4. Multi-Item Slider

 Multi-Item Slider
a simple category slider with a minimal design using CSS animations and jQuery. The idea is to slide the items sequentially depending on the slide direction. 

5. Toolbar.Js

Toolbar allows you to quickly create tooltip style toolbars for use in web applications and websites. The toolbar is easily customizable using the twitter bootstrap icons and provides flexibility around the toolbars display and number of icons. 

6. perfect-scrollbar

Tiny but perfect jQuery scrollbar plugin. 

7. Lazy Line Painter

Lazy Line Painter
A jQuery plugin for path animation using the Raphaël Library. 

8. flipshow.js

A simple circular slideshow where we flip the image in order to navigate. 

9. Looper.js

An intuitive, lightweight carousel solution. No coding required. 

10. RoughDraft.js

Quickly create and prototype a full interactive HTML mock-up without duplicating markup, server-side loops/code, or having to source fake content. 

11. Flot

Flot is a pure JavaScript plotting library for jQuery, with a focus on simple usage, attractive looks and interactive features. 

12. ParamQuery grid

ParamQuery grid
Lightweight jQuery grid plugin inspired by MS Excel and Google spreadsheet. It's based upon jQuery UI Widget factory which is an excellent design pattern for UI controls with consistent API. 

13. jQuery Migrate

jQuery Migrate
This plugin -created by jQuery team- can be used with jQuery v1.9 or v2.0 to detect deprecated and removed features, or to restore old features for those sticky situations where you need old code to run with new jQuery. 

14. Image Picker

Image Picker
A simple jQuery plugin that transforms a select element into a more user friendly graphical interface. 

15. scrollUp

A lightweight jQuery plugin to create a customizable “Scroll to top” feature that will work with any website, with ease.