social media ROI can be a daunting task, but not impossible. Check out these
handy formulas for calculating tangible social media benefits – advertising,
content, leads,research, support, sales, and more!
Social Media ROI Formulas
(Click the heading
links to jump down to that section.)
Advertising Value
1. Online Social Mentions 2. Social Web Traffic Referrals 3. Search Web Traffic Referrals 4. Social SEO Improved Search Rank 5. Social Influencer Online Mentions 6. Social PR Mentions
Content Value
7. Articles 8. Photos 9. Videos
Research Value
10. Research Value - Social Insights
Support Value
11. Support Value - Online Self-Service
Lead and Sales Value
12. Social Leads (One-Time Value) 13. Social Leads (Lifetime Value) 14. Social-Aided Conversion |
/ Online Tools
Enjoy these 14
formulas and examples to aid your computations! (Be sure to replace example
placeholder numbers with your own values or industry-relevant estimated
How much would it cost if you had to pay for the equivalent achieved by social media? What tangible outcomes related to the sales funnel will be impacted?
How much would it cost if you had to pay for the equivalent achieved by social media? What tangible outcomes related to the sales funnel will be impacted?
1) Advertising Value - Online Social Mentions:
GOAL: Grow Awareness,
Reduce Ad Costs
_____(#) brand/product
online social mentions, pins, etc.
X _____ (CPI) equivalent display ad impression costs
= $ Display Ad Impressions Value
(CPM, or cost per 1,000 impressions, could also be used.)
X _____ (CPI) equivalent display ad impression costs
= $ Display Ad Impressions Value
(CPM, or cost per 1,000 impressions, could also be used.)
Example: Estimated
150,000 social impressions at display ad costs per impression (CPI) of $0.008
(or $8 CPM) = $1,200 equivalent
display ad impressions value
2) Advertising Value - Social Web Traffic Referrals:
GOAL: Drive More Web
Traffic, Reduce Ad Costs
_____(#) social referral clicks to website
X $_____ (CPC) equivalent display or social ad costs
= $ Social Ad Value
X $_____ (CPC) equivalent display or social ad costs
= $ Social Ad Value
Example: Estimated
150 social referral clicks to the website at social ad costs of $3.99 per
click = $1,197 equivalent social ad
3) Advertising Value - Search Web Traffic Referrals:
(e.g., social reviews or comments ranking in
search results)
GOAL: Drive More Web Traffic, Reduce Ad Costs
GOAL: Drive More Web Traffic, Reduce Ad Costs
_____(#) search referral clicks to website
X $_____ (PPC) equivalent search ad costs
= $ Search Ad Value
X $_____ (PPC) equivalent search ad costs
= $ Search Ad Value
Example: Estimated 500
search referral clicks to the website at search PPC ad costs of $2.99 each for
the respective keywords = $1,495 equivalent search ad value
4) Advertising Value - Social SEO Improved Search Rank:
(e.g., social reviews, photos, or comments
influencing search rank)
GOAL: Drive More Web Traffic
GOAL: Drive More Web Traffic
( _____% new organic search CTR − _____% old organic search CTR)
÷ _____% old organic search click-through rate (CTR)
X _____(#) monthly organic search volume
= Additional Organic Search Referrals
÷ _____% old organic search click-through rate (CTR)
X _____(#) monthly organic search volume
= Additional Organic Search Referrals
Example: Increasing
search rank from position 4 at 8.2% CTR to position 2 at 14% CTR with an
average monthly search volume of 120,000 = 84,878 more search referrals
Check out Optify's Organic Search Click-Through Rate (CTR) Study for
insights on search rank CTR differences to estimate benefits. (i.e. CTR:
Position 1 @ 36.4%, Position 2 @ 12.5%, Position 3 @ 9.5%.) For ROI
calculations, use your actual CTR values available via Google Webmaster Tools.
5) Advertising Value - Social Influencer Online Mentions:
GOAL: Grow Awareness,
Reduce Ad Costs
_____(#) social influencers
X _____(#) average social network reach
X _____(#) notable online brand mentions
X $_____ paid spokesman or special guest costs (e.g. radio, TV, or direct mail endorsements)
/ _____(#) ad network reach or volume
= $ Paid Endorsement Ad Value
X _____(#) average social network reach
X _____(#) notable online brand mentions
X $_____ paid spokesman or special guest costs (e.g. radio, TV, or direct mail endorsements)
/ _____(#) ad network reach or volume
= $ Paid Endorsement Ad Value
Tier paid spokesman fees by respective social
influencer levels. Document tiers with labels (e.g. A-Level, B-Level,
etc.) to make historical tracking easier. Social network reach and ad reach
should ideally be equivalent since pricing tiers may vary. (This formula
adjusts for network reach differences assuming endorsement costs are the same
regardless of ad volume.)
Example: 5 industry
influencers (B-level) with an average social network reach of 5,000 making 10
notable brand mentions at an equivalent paid spokesman (B-level) cost of $1,500
each with an ad network reach of 10,000 = $37,500 equivalent paid endorsement
ad value
6) Advertising Value - Social PR Mentions:
GOAL: Grow Awareness,
Reduce Ad Costs
_____(#) event-related online brand mentions (e.g.
announcement, product release, etc.)
X $_____ equivalent press event cost
/ _____(#) average brand mentions from press event
= $ Press Event PR Value
X $_____ equivalent press event cost
/ _____(#) average brand mentions from press event
= $ Press Event PR Value
Example: 50
event-related online brand mentions (not fuelled by a paid press event) at
equivalent press event costs of $800 that yield an average 40 brand mentions =
$1,000 equivalent press event PR value
7) Content Value - User-Generated Content (UGC) Articles:
GOAL: Grow Awareness,
Improve SEO, Aid Conversion (Social Proof), Reduce Content Costs
_____(#) online stories or articles with significant brand focus
or mention
X $_____ equivalent content creation cost
= $ Article Value
X $_____ equivalent content creation cost
= $ Article Value
Tip: Tier creation costs by content quality
(e.g., length, sentiment, images, uniqueness) and/or Domain Authority levels.
Example: Estimated
5 stories discovered at an equivalent content value of $350 each = $1,750
equivalent content article value
8) Content Value - User-Generated Content (UGC) Photos:
GOAL: Aid Conversion
(Social Proof), Reduce Photography Costs
_____(#) user-generated brand photos
X _____% photo shoot quality
X $_____ equivalent photo shoot total costs
/ _____(#) average photos from photo shoot
= $ Photography Value
X _____% photo shoot quality
X $_____ equivalent photo shoot total costs
/ _____(#) average photos from photo shoot
= $ Photography Value
Example: Estimated 80
brand-specific unique user-generated content (UGC) photos discovered at 70%
photo shoot quality at an equivalent photo shoot total cost of $12,000 that
yields an average of 30 quality photos = $22,400 equivalent photography value
9) Content Value - User-Generated Content (UGC) Videos:
GOAL: Grow Awareness,
Aid Conversion (Social Proof), Reduce Video Costs
_____(#) user-generated brand videos
X _____% brand-produced video quality
X $_____ equivalent brand-produced video total cost
= $ Video Value
X _____% brand-produced video quality
X $_____ equivalent brand-produced video total cost
= $ Video Value
Be sure to include resource time, equipment
rental, shoot fee (e.g. location), and editing for total video production
Example: Estimated
3 brand-specific user-generated content (UGC) videos discovered at 50%
brand-produced video quality at an equivalent brand-produced video total cost
of $10,000 = $15,000 equivalent video value
10) Research Value - Social Insights:
GOAL: Market Research,
Improve Customer Satisfaction, Reduce Research Costs
_____(#) brand online insights/comments
X _____% focus group insight quality
X $_____ equivalent focus group cost
/ _____(#) insights from average focus group
= $ Focus Group Value
X _____% focus group insight quality
X $_____ equivalent focus group cost
/ _____(#) insights from average focus group
= $ Focus Group Value
Example: Estimated
150 useful monthly brand insights/comments at an equivalent 90% quality of
a paid focus group that costs $3,000 and typically yields 100 helpful insights
= $4,050 equivalent market research value
11) Support Value - Online Self-Service:
GOAL: Enable
Self-Service, Reduce Support Costs
_____(#) weekly support calls per topic
X _____% calls likely solved by self-service
X $_____ average support phone call cost
= $ Call Support Value
X _____% calls likely solved by self-service
X $_____ average support phone call cost
= $ Call Support Value
Example: Estimated
1,500 weekly support calls at which 70% could be resolved online via
self-service at an equivalent support call value of $6.30 each = $7,056
equivalent call support value
12) Sales Value - Social Leads (One-Time Value):
GOAL: Grow Revenue,
Generate Leads, Acquire New Customers
_____(#) qualified online social leads identified
X _____% lead-to-customer conversion rate
X $_____ (AOV) average order value
= $ Lead Sales Value (Single Purchase)
X _____% lead-to-customer conversion rate
X $_____ (AOV) average order value
= $ Lead Sales Value (Single Purchase)
Example: Estimated
100 qualified leads routed to sales teams with a typical
lead-to-conversion rate of 4% at an average order value (AOV) of $2,500 =
$10,000 equivalent converted lead sales value (single-purchase)
13) Sales Value - Social Leads (Lifetime Value):
GOAL: Grow Revenue,
Generate Leads, Acquire New Customers, Retain Customers
_____(#) qualified online social leads identified
X _____% lead-to-customer conversion rate
X $_____ (LTV) customer lifetime value
= $ New Customer Lifetime Sales Value
X _____% lead-to-customer conversion rate
X $_____ (LTV) customer lifetime value
= $ New Customer Lifetime Sales Value
See: How To CalculTate Customer Lifetime
Value (LTV).
Example: Estimated
100 qualified leads routed to sales teams with a typical
lead-to-conversion rate of 4% at an average customer lifetime value (LTV) of
$22,500 = $90,000 equivalent converted lead new customer lifetime sales
14) Sales Value - Social-Aided Conversion:
GOAL: Grow Revenue,
Boost Conversion
( _____% new conversion rate − _____% old conversion rate)
/ _____% old conversion rate
X $_____ average # monthly products sold
X $_____ average product sales value
= Increased Sales Value
/ _____% old conversion rate
X $_____ average # monthly products sold
X $_____ average product sales value
= Increased Sales Value
Example: Estimated conversion
rate increase from 2% to 3.5% with an average 100 monthly products sold at $750 = $32,142 more in monthly product sales