11 Things G+ Helped Me to Learn

1. You can't go wrong with a G+ post about G+.
Perhaps the abundance of posts about G+ is what makes G+ a better and a more explained social media channel to dive and be in. Have there ever been a day without a Google+ post about Google+? What's interesting, is that each and every post is unique. Hopefully, things I learned while spending my time on G+ will make this post an interesting read too.

2. Too many people come to Google+ for SEO benefits. But only the few reap it all.
Admittedly, perceived SEO benefits attracted my attention to Google Plus and social media in general. It was the bigger picture that got me to stay. By now, most of you have learned 1000s of ways how Google+ can be helpful. 3 Biggest things that got me to stay here are:
- these lessons I learned and the the new ones yet to be learned
- easy access to deep knowledge and smart people all in one place
- ability to talk and be heard
When understood, G+ opens myriads of opportunities, including SEO. Those who get it stay and those who stay reap it all. Notice, I said "all". That's because those who don't understand the entire thing don't get anything. 

3. Everyone wants to be heard. Not everyone will be.
Yap, everyone wants to be heard. Does everyone deserve to, though? Probably. Well, maybe not. That's not the point. The point is, only those who work hard get what they desire - love, friendship, money, things, attention. Have a strategy, build your reputation, get heard, get what you want. It’s that easy. Yet it’s so difficult, especially when results are slow to come, and you know you must keep it going.

4. Your resources are limited. Spend wisely.
Don't we all want too many things in our life? I often think (I wish I could say "thought") I can do more, get more, spend more. I have a lot to say but can't say it all. I want to do many good things (and sometimes bad, not bad bad, just bad) but can't do them all. What's the problem? Resources are limited. To succeed in social media, spend your resources wisely - prioritize, learn to say no, take good care of your own business. Being so is especially necessary and especially difficult when it comes to unlimited possibilities of G+.

5. Popularity, Influence and Knowledge are misunderstood.
Is knowledge equal influence equal popularity? Yes, if you are knowledgeable, influencial and popular. In most cases, though, these things don't come all at once. That’s because Influence comes from the Latin, "influere" which means "to flow into". Knowledge alone won't make you influential. You must always earn people's attention, or in other words, get them to "flow into" your ocean of knowledge (this is when knowledge in marketing and sales helps big time). Enough influence may also make you popular, but not always. You may stay influential in a niche and never get out to the masses. 
Some of us sometimes like to complain about popularity and/or influence that are not deserved. Keep in mind, where you want to be - knowledgeable, influential, or popular - is your choice. Where you end up being is mostly the other people's choice. So if someone is popular and/or influential, that’s because they both desired and deserved to be so.

6. Hard work gives more work. Connections make money.
It's not a secret, if you want to have enough work, you need to work hard for those who hire you - employers or clients. But just working hard won't make you rich. At best, you can ensure you have enough work to do to keep you afloat. The biggest and well kept secret of getting prosperous is networking. Or do you really think billion-dollar businesses start in a garage? That's how social media is here to help. Make new connections, learn from these connections, help others and they will help you. Not saying G+ alone will make you rich, but it's a dam’ good start for your own microbrand. Getting successful on G+ is also a natural step for established businesses looking to expand online.

7. Social Media Marketing needs a strategy. Without strategy, it's social waste of time.
Probably the biggest reason why Facebook is deemed a waste of time is lack of information about Facebook. Those who don't get Facebook, can't come up with a strategy and their time on FB becomes a waste. Somehow, Google and the community it built on G+ did a much better job at explaining the underexplained. There are myriads of posts on Google Plus that help you come up with a strategy. 
Commitments and persistence in social media marketing is what makes people and brands successful. However, you also need something to commit to. So, come up with a strategy and follow it. It's ok if you fail, just don't give up. Adjust your strategy and move on. And remember - resources are limited and social media makes it easy to make waste.

8. "To receive more, give more" is often misunderstood.
We all know we need to give in order to get, don't we? What I didn't know is what makes some ultra-successful while others barely keep afloat. How's that some people don't seem to give as much and receive much more than the others? But others give all they have and receive seemingly nothing back. It's all about the balance. You need to take care of your own goals first. But because this world is so interconnected (especially in this age of social media), one can achieve nothing without helping others to achieve their goals. Neither can one achieve anything if they don't take care of their own stuff. So keep thing in balance. Again, remember, your resources are limited and sometimes you must be a bit selfish.

10. Be unique. Do what you do best.
Learning from the success of others is always good. Copying what other people do in its entirety is impossible and won’t make you greatly successful no matter how well you mimic success of others. That's because everyone is unique. To have success in social media marketing, people and brands must do what they can do best and learn what they can learn best. In other words, each and every individual or group of individuals should radiate what's unique about them. This will gather unique, perfectly matching audience around them. Evangelism earned.

11. Pay Attention.
When you pay attention to little details others don't see, a world of opportunities opens itself up. Taking advantage of these little things is what makes your success big and resounding. 9 is missing btw. Did you notice? :-)